Space Song

Space Song

Something about my birth chart the first house “my first house” about being self oriented self centered self reliant? Still I’m human so just because my chart says I’ll be okay without the rest of it any of it doesn’t make me a robot okay? Really trying to not be the robot. Never trying to be the robot. Just trying to be here be “present” put my phone down maybe even let it die kind of thing. But first do you want to come over and watch me burn an array of vegetables? Maybe set off the smoke alarm too? I have my phone nearby in case you change your mind. About coming over I mean. It’s whatever I’m whatever. I’m going to keep sipping on this glass until my teeth turn shades until my brain stops retracing every step. By the way I definitely burned the vegetables. It’s better that you’re not here to see all of this any of this. Yeah totally. Better “better”. I can’t tell if that was a buzz a chime a whichever setting I’ve opted into today or just part of the song I’m playing. Is this what I meant by “doing me”? Are you doing you? Do not disturb because I’m the one in control. Yeah totally. Defense mechanisms come in different shapes and sizes. But hey here’s a thing I bought you because I thought you’d enjoy it like I did. Not trying to assume you enjoy the things I enjoy but yeah here you go. Take it before you leave. You’ve already left but you know what I mean. Can’t tell if I feel better now or just the same. I still want to put us on a corner and see what happens.



November 18

November 18