

Tonight I miss my new york city apartment

the crooked floors, my tone deaf neighbor

The roaches even

Happy birthday to all of my friends in April May and June. See you when I’m 33, see you when “this is all over”

I haven’t shaved my legs or groomed my face in weeks, come touch me?

My room’s full of relics ready for the afterlife I’m not a hoarder I just left it all behind

Tonight i slice some cheese and lay it nicely on our cutting board, call it dinner

Someone in our neighborhood rolled a treadmill onto their driveway. A false sense of running away, the machine famously headed nowhere

Our dog’s my shadow, We never thought we’d get this time. Shes getting to know me again, she’s waiting for scraps again, she’s happy I’m home again

Soap & Water

Soap & Water

