Tonight I’m at a party and find myself stepping into then out of a circle of 28 year olds talking about freezing their eggs. Maybe you understand?
Yesterday I was sweating on the 6 train thinking about how hard it is to get it right in the winter. I fold the thought into a joke and think about sending it to you from over the bridge
Tonight it’s only pairs of married people
like Noah’s Ark but without all of the cute animals. I excuse myself then ask my pregnant friend if she has any tampons. It takes me a second before I realize my question
Tonight I’m taking the train 11 stops for a handsome almost stranger. My therapist says they should start meeting me halfway I tell her the F isn’t so bad especially not on the night I’m talking about. She says that’s not what she meant by that
Sometimes I wonder if there’s a place between life of the party and fly on the wall. I think I’d like move there for a little while