January 14
-Orlando Bloom turned 41 last week reminded me of being 21/helping him pick out running shorts at my first job post college he/everyone ‘significantly’ older than me seemed forever ~32~ back then idk what my point is other than growing up is weird
-Saw three dead pidgins in two days like facedown in the sidewalk anyone else?
-Looking/feeling like a human sock when dressed for anything sub 30 degrees despite genuine efforts not to what about you
-‘No yeah I was definitely a late bloomer’—me at least once a day
-Never not feeling like the newly braces-free Lacoste wearing PSAT taking 15 yr old me when listening to the strokes
-Ross says you should make sure you end it on a high note re leaving nyc which always makes me think of Seinfeld
-I think I drink beer now