December 29

December 29

-Why does it take 4 remotes to turn on the TV in my parents’ house
-This model just called her 1992 kimono ‘vintage’
-The people getting catfished on MTV right now I don’t think it’s fair that the host of this show is hot am I wrong?
-Noticed at least three people from my high school working at Trader Joe's hoping they didn’t notice my cart full of wine/quest bars
-The last time I ate here it was senior prom I’m pretty sure our waiter just called me ma’am maybe that’s because I ordered a cab sav yeah totally anyway how’s your night going?
-The use of “fam bam” under any circumstances
-Attracted to my pilot’s voice always hoping to be at least a little attracted to my pilot’s voice if that makes sense

January 3

January 3

Max Fish

Max Fish